Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Co-Curricular Physical Activity and Sport Programs for Middle School Students

The National Middle School Association has published an article about interscholastic sports versus intramural sports activities in Middle School. Because of the developmental aspect of this age-group (11-14), highly competitive sports programs are not recommended. Instead, activities that offer opportunities for the physical participation of all students--not just the most athletic--are encouraged. In spite of the benefits of children being involved in sports, some experts warn against potential dangers. It all depends on the motivation of the program's leaders--whether or not they have the best interests of the students as their goal.
I agree that the sports program should first benefit the students and not be for the purpose of gaining recognition for the school. I think all students should be able to find an activity they can participate in and have fun, not just to compete. This is especially important in middle school, where students are developing at different rates.

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education's (NASPE) Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council (MASSPEC) at www.aahperd.org/naspe, National Middle School Association (2008), retrieved from www.nmsa.org/AboutNMSA/PositionStatements/SportPrograms/tabid/292/Default.aspx 3/18/2008.

1 comment:

I Ashanti said...

This is a very interesting article. I have learn a lot about the creation of middle school. Students are going through a lot of changes during this stage and paricipating in sport is beneficial to their development. As a physical education teacher, I try to expose students to a variety of sport, so they can develop an appreciation for a life long sport.
