Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mandatory P.E.

"It is imperative for our students to understand that learning takes many forms and along with the academic we must also teach the benefits of physical well-being" (Barbour, 2006).

I wholeheartedly agree with Gov. Barbour. There are many things to learn and learning takes many forms. Real learning occurs in different contexts and affects different venues--mental, emotional, social, and physical. In fact, real learning must take place in all these areas to be lasting and effective.
Physical Education involves children in mental, emotional, and social learning, as well as physical. Planning game strategies, enjoying the activity, interacting with teammates, learning good sportsmanship, and feeling good about oneself are all important areas of learning that are involved in Physical Education.

Barbour, Haley (2006). Mississippi governor calls for mandatory P.E. in grades K-8. The Clarion Ledger 10/3/2006. The District Administration, retrieved 3/12/2008


I Ashanti said...
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I Ashanti said...

This is a very good plan. I believe more emphasis need to be place on Physical eduction in school. Physical education can contribute to academics and help with the obesity epidemic. School is the only place that some students get the chance to participate in exercise.

D White said...

Not only that otis, but kids spend most of their daylight hours at school. We owe it to kids and their parents to make sure that they get plenty of physical activity in during these hours.