Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Richard Simmons and NCLB?

Richard Simmons argues that NCLB is incomplete without required P.E. in schools. He says , "Carve out real time in school for physical activity. The FIT Kids Act sets a goal of 150 minutes/week in elementary school and 225 minutes/week in high school. Enlist Certified Aerobic instructors to help P.E. teachers offer excellent physical education. Ensure that P.E. classes include warm up, cardio, strength training and stretching. Just hitting a ball or running around a field won't cut it anymore. Get kids moving to the music they love" (Richard Simmons, 2008).
Read a post by Claus von Zastrow (March 27, 2008) in Public School Insights: What is working in our public schools. Listen to portions of his interview with Richard Simmons.

"Kids Aren't Well-Rounded, They're Just Rounded." An Exclusive Interview with Richard Simmons. . Retrieved 4/2/2008 from


Lori said...

I agree that more time is needed for students to be active at all levels of education, and that in order for them to truly reap the benefits, they must have fun. I think that if the amount of time spent being active during the school day increased, students would use more of their energy (or increase their energy level if they are currently inactive) and therefore, be more focused during the time they spend in the classroom. This could potentially cut down on behavior issues as well as create healthier, happier students.

D White said...

I listened to the Richard Simmons audio clip from the interview about the presidential candidates. He is saying that the candidates are not focused on NCLB and mandating PE. I hope that the next president, through Richard Simmons and other Pro-PE advocates, recognizes the need for vigorous physical education in schools. For reasons Simmons lists like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, but also for the academic benefits being discussed in this blog.